OCR: IOAD LISTEN Quickstart Click or LOAD CIRCLE LOAD Select A-GUITAR.CIR and click load Now just hit the LOOP Button and lis stenGREAT Hit the LOOP Button again to stop You can also click on any ELEMENT to hear ETEN Now let's change the Pla Ect HC nde 01 the CIRCLE just click on any tvo Red Lamps everv ELEMENTin he uween will be played when you hit IF you just click onone AMP the CiRCL Ewill always be played from that point to the ena You got it! Now try the sami e8s with any other CIRCLE DEMC GUIITAR LCIR Joad agair tmeen plaved LAMP poin Cick listenGREAT thelOOPButton ayhickrange easy DEMO